#1 Way to Help your Child Develop Long Term Happiness 
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One of the biggest questions I get from moms of kids with ADHD is they want to know HOW to help their child get into the green brain zone…during homework…during chores…and all the toughest times when their child is REALLY STRUGGLING.

So today I want to share with you the #1 way to help your child. But it’s not what you think…

The #1 way to support your child and help them develop LONG TERM HAPPINESS is…

Building DEEP BONDS with your child.

But are building deep bonds really worth it? Research study after research study shows that children who have these deep bonds get better grades, live longer, have fewer behavior problems and have longer attention spans.

And do we really know HOW to build bonds with our kids? Is it about taking them to the park and spending one-on-one time and nightly dinners together?

While all of these things are important…the truth is somewhat surprising.

Actually...studies say the number one thing we can do to build deep bonds with our kids is to help them when they’re emotionally upset.

Most people think that relationships are mostly built during fun moments and together time. But in reality…DEEP relationships are built (or torn down) during the moments of upset.

It’s how WE RESPOND to our kids during these moments that really determines the quality of our relationships.

And when I first read about this I thought…really? Deep bonds are built during my kids’ emotional moments and even meltdowns?

But the science is pretty clear on this.

And the good news is we can learn to make these emotional moments much easier…both for us and our kids. So we can build and deepen our bonds to support them not only during their school lives…but for the rest of their lives!

So the next time your child is struggling…maybe it’s time to upgrade your perspective and try connecting instead!

It’s the quickest way to shift you both back to the green brain zone AND reap the benefits that can last a lifetime.

Stay Inspired

You can grab a copy of my 3 Proven Tools to help your child with ADHD here!

2022 Lithia FL